They are not using the actual KH which is not surprising. They are using the Car Park.
The big question is how much does the WT Society get for renting out the Car Park?
I doubt they are doing it for free.
kingdom hall vaccine center.. .
They are not using the actual KH which is not surprising. They are using the Car Park.
The big question is how much does the WT Society get for renting out the Car Park?
I doubt they are doing it for free.
another youtube presenter falls foul of the wt society's legal team.
the watch tower copyright lawsuit targets creator of "dubtown" lego animations.
What a wonderful way to use "donated funds". The WT Society should be proud. Maybe buy a few more bottles of Macallan to celebrate.
"if you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things.
because all the evidence in fulfillment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years... therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers.
I was born in 1979.
I definitely am growing old in this system
I was born in the 1940's. Little George would never have to go to school in this old system. As I progressed through school, at least I would never leave and have to get a job....get married etc etc.
Well I am really old now and the old system is still going and will still be going long after I am gone and forgotten. My only consolation is that I went to Uni which has been a great help. There are so many in my congregation that are kept by the DSS (aka this old system).
i began riding motorcycles in my early teens.
my 1979 honda xl500s became my best friend.
i had a few teenage neighbors and school friends that rode too.
Always had a bike of some sort. No one has ever suggested it was not done for a JW. i cannot reveal my current bike as it would ID me but I know of local elders with a BUSA, ZX10r, Suzuki Bandit 1200, BMW 1200 GS. All a lot more powerful than my modest machine.
Advancing age and health issues mean I get out less than I would like but I have non-JW biker friends which keep me sane.
we are nearly 18 months into this pandemic and lot has been learned and our behaviour modified to make things safer for us, e.g.
the wearing of face masks and social distancing.. many countries such as australia, new zealand, the uk and usa either have things under control or have vaccinated a large portion of the population.
therefore, given the very passive nature of the 'cart witnessing', i can't see why this hasn't be re-started.
Just a slight correction, the JW-Stream programs are all pre-recorded. Elders would be able to download copies and play them for folks (I imagine really old JW technophobes) without internet access.
Do not confuse JW-stream with JW-Stream-Studio. They are totally different. As you correctly say all JW-Stream programmes are pre-recorded and this will not change. Our Circuit Assembly with Bethel representative (December 2021) will be in this format. All publishers will be able to download beforehand and play at their convenience, just the same as the upcoming Regional Convention.
However, our Circuit Assembly with Circuit Overseer (May 2021 and May 2022) are JW-Stream-Studio. These are transmitted live, are not pre-recorded and are presented by the local brothers in the circuit. As there are no space limitations as with an Assembly Hall, the entire circuit, Sections A, B and C are all present at the one day event. Needless to say there were some technical issues and great variance in video quality between the speakers.
I hope this clarifies my previous comments above.
we are nearly 18 months into this pandemic and lot has been learned and our behaviour modified to make things safer for us, e.g.
the wearing of face masks and social distancing.. many countries such as australia, new zealand, the uk and usa either have things under control or have vaccinated a large portion of the population.
therefore, given the very passive nature of the 'cart witnessing', i can't see why this hasn't be re-started.
They are also not starting Circuit Assemblies any time soon. We have our dates for December 2021 (JW-stream) and May 2022 (JW-stream-studio). At this rate I can see them continuing this permanently and selling off the Assembly Hall.
For anyone not familiar with JW-stream-studio it is like ZOOM except you do not have a camera so cannot see any of the audience. It is live so you cannot download and watch at some other time, everybody views at the same time. The speakers give their talk from home. At the latest CA, 14 individuals were baptised but this was not viewable.
the new york times as well as other news agencies are reporting that in order to help save the planet we should limit our daily bathing.
they say daily bathing really because popular in the 20th century because elites decided to impress and use petroleum based soaps and take advantage of their indoor plumbing.
a lot of this daily bathing ritual was just for show.
Shower & shave every morning before breakfast.
Always have and now I don't work full time I'm too old to change.
A lot of JW's I know only seem to shower & shave when they have a meeting or FS coming up.
someone made reference in another post that the awake magazine had ceased publication.
maybe i missed it since i have not been on here as much in the last 6 months.
is this true?
The Awake for 2021 is not even available on line so they can't say the presses are busy on other publications.
Maybe they haven't had time for the in depth research needed to write the articles twaddle.
how many accounts of the bibles use of excesses can you recall ?
i will start off with a favourit of mine.. the inauguration of solomons temple and the sacrifices offered .2chron.7 :4-5 , 22,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep ?
How do you even slaughter that many animals after you have herded them to the required location? What do you do with all the blood and guts? It would be impossible to sacrifice 22,000 cattle on that altar during that celebration, maybe they just took a steak from each animal. And a lamb chop.
Yet more Bible twaddle.
so, in a couple weeks, the jws move on in their bible-reading slog to the book of deuteronomy.. take a gander at deuteronomy 23:12,13:.
a private place should be designated for use outside the camp, and there is where you should go.
13 a peg should be part of your equipment.
Don't forget that in addition to the people there was all their animals. Yet again this week we are killing and burning sheep and bulls. I've never been to Chicago but suspect there are not a lot of sheep and bulls there. So, where did they keep these? In the camp? There must have been significant flocks and herds just to keep the sacrifices going. These animals would need food and water. Maybe the animals lived on manna!
To think I used to believe all this twaddle.